The Snapdragon – The Official News Outlet of Anthea
Office holders’ Plans
What plans do our leaders have in the nation? Shawna S, our current president, has given us permission to look at her notes for the meeting. The paper starts with a cursive thank you to the citizens, and dives straight into her goals. She lists them as “Websites and possible emails working with [the] Secretary of State.” She also notes the need for a flag and logo, as well as to speak about territories and activities, some of which would be both her and the Secretary of State testing a local creek, and some citizen science projects, which both her and the Secretary of State wrote about. She also noted about possibly collaborating with local places and different trips to places for the Raleighite citizens. I’d like to confirm that the President and Secretary of State
did not collaborate or base their speeches off of each other’s speeches. The Secretary of Trade and Commerce hopes to collaborate with other micronations. The Secretary of Treasury also spoke, and the Minister of Science wants to catalog plants in Anthean territories. The Secretary of State plans to collaborate with other micronations as well.
Major Events (Week of Feb. 7, 2021)
The elections are all over now, and the results are in! The first officer meeting was done, and we seem to have made a lot of progress. The officers are: Heather W, Secretary of Treasury, Hannah W, Secretary of Trade and Commerce, Micah S, Minister of Science, Zara H, Secretary of State and Secretary of Communications, and Shawna S as President. You can find their offices listed next to their names on the Roll of Citizens document.
According to Article III, Section IV in the Anthean constitution, “Each February 1st, the [newly elected] officer is required to make a speech outlining their accomplishments of the past year (if applicable), hopes, plans and challenges for the next year.” Newly elected officers should make sure to re-read the constitution and find out their duties and powers.
Major Events (Week of Jan. 23, 2021)
Major events in Anthea include another attempted overthrow of the Athenian government, and the ongoing elections.
The latest coup attempt leveraged a security breach. A device with access to the national documents was taken, and the documents deleted from the cloud repository. Under questioning, the alleged attacker admitted to making a backup copy before deleting. The documents were immediately restored. While the attacker’s cooperation may please the President, expect sentencing to be severe as this is their second attempt against the country.
The interim Secretary of State says to keep an eye out for an email on Monday detailing the results of the election.
Election Day
On January 18th, elections for all offices will be held. Emails to citizens to nominate will be sent out before the 18th, and the ballot will be sent out on the 18th. Our pro tem Secretary of State urges citizens to vote.
Founder’s preamble
To get the insight of the founding members, we interviewed Ms. Shawna Schnorr, interim President and founding member of Anthea, to comment on the preamble. “I think the preamble sets some areas of interest where our citizens can focus their efforts.” she said. When asked to elaborate on the efforts our citizens can make, she replied, “Like our Plans of Action and our Activities.” When asked about “Interest in conveying the values of our nation”, she replied,”To me, it means we look for the opportunities to talk to others about the things that are important to us.” The interim Secretary of State (who wrote the line) agrees with the interim President.