In the US, a White woman’s pay is not equal to a White man’s, so unsurprisingly, an African-American woman’s pay is lower than both (on average). To a (non hispanic) white man’s dollar, a black woman would make about 63 cents. That can add up to almost a million dollars over a person’s career. Almost 13% of people in the US are African American women, but many more work in tipping or low wage industries than, say, White men. To help change this, you can contact your members of Congress, 

attend protests, or donate to reliable women’s and African American’s rights organizations. You can also support people of color that you know, or help them join a labor union. According to CNBC, to help close the wage gap you can compare salaries: It’s protected by law, and it can help in getting a raise. They also said that stronger social insurance would benefit not only minorities, but also the entire county/state/nation. The CNBC notes that there are many African-American women in minimum wage jobs, and so raising the minimum wage can benefit them.